Wednesday, April 30, 2008
just now kaile called me and sounded flustered. she told me "eh 豆,i saw.." i was like huh. but i found it cute. because i didnt expect kaile to react such a auntie way. LOL. but very adorable huh. todae is my rest dae. im happy im resting enough. :D gonna rest more tml. :D i'm looking to sundae's filming. :D i'm so happy i found time to watch 星光3 just now. waiting for that router guy to come fix up the house connection! next time di can come with his laptop and play without sharing that cable. hahs! :D tata!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
WTH?! i told the meaning of lam-pa/lam-pa-ji to zul and he said 'bo-lam-pa' the other dae. omg. he's not holy anymore sia. sorry zul. i didnt expect such adverse effect. hahs. i just read ah jie's blog lah, thats why the continuation of this wth post, hah. oh. i ate very little yesterdae. breakfast in the morning and siew mai for lunch and didnt eat dinner and went off to bed at 10pm. think im skipping lunch todae because not much appetite lah. good also can save alot alot alot of money. yay, dinner with fred tonight, think we gonna slack around lah. :D but looking forward to it. dont think i'll be eating though. i've been blogging in the morning recently because my body clock still under adjustment ah. hahs, sorry. my classmate taught me a way to get numbers from webmail. this means that i can get the numbers of the girls i like in future. haha! damn! but no i wont resort to such bastard means. i find that webmail is rather unsafe if our numbers are all there its kinda scary. i can even check everything and anything about the person if i want to. wth. damn. scary huh. hahs. think tonight i'm gonna reshuffle some positions post. heh. think bintan trip is somehow or rather 80% confirmed. winnie is working very hard for the trip. hee. random: my class had a debate talk with my facilitator about rp's PBL system and wow didnt know my class hates PBL so much and only 3 choose rp as first choice. hah. so fun. okay i need to settle bintan trip stuff now! hugs!
Monday, April 28, 2008
damn, im so freaking tired lah. okays ignore me bout the hotmail.com thingy, a new trend i started, i think quite cute and unique, applies for those irc peeps. haha. oh well i slept at 10pm yesterdae. wtf. its like so early. hehe. Brian's sleeping time. hehe. yesterdae's filming was.. tiring. real exhausting. you know i nearly cried while walking home cos i was simply too tired. fyi, i cry when im freaking tired or when im having a fever. hehe. wahlao the past week was simply busy busy and busy. And i think i can survive even stronger now because i have survived the most hectic week ever. woo. yesterdae scenes were the climax part for the last episode, although i thought that i didnt really film it in a very climax and exciting way. haha, but visualising it from yesterdae, i think the post production would turn out pretty well. Well, editing saves all the xue. the weather was hot and for people like di and shiying who knows me well, i flare up when filming OB and will start to raise my voice, be a bastard etc when things dont go right or when people are slow. I think i said "动作快一点" to shiqi at least 15 times and above yesterdae because i thought she was very slow but in fact she was faster den in studios. And the fact of raising my voice at some unlucky ones... i'm sorry lah. lucky thing yesterdae scenes were by ah jie and brian, di, shiying thats why i didnt flare up further. hehe. *A big sorry to Derek who lost his way due to my poor directions. damn im sorry dude." New foodcourt is opened at W6! KouFu somemore! :D okays all body parts etc get ready seany invite you all come here eat soon. muahaha. oh so random. this week is a 3 dae week! :D im so happy. honestly, im not feeling very well lah todae. :( but, sleep debt has gonna wait man! i'l repay sleep debt this wed/thurs and sat! :D yes! so random but i think im going to work part time as a camp instructor soon, since i got lobang doing my fyp on adventure providers. haha. wah i haven met fred for like...1 week? damn. i'm so tired. im going off for 2nd meeting now, i'm a survivor, according to her. yes i am a survivor! I CAN DO IT! :D meesiam.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
![]() okays todae is gonna be a proper post. I was so darn busy the past few daes that i kinda mess up my clock. tcp's forest scene is really screwing up all of us. hahs. i mean screw in a good way of cos, because all of us are going to learn something new. :D okays the scene with the most equipments and the most troublesome. I'll do a good job i promise. :D The past daes have been catching up with the girls advancement on the wrap party, can see they are progressing everydae. good. todae helped di with his change mv filming, things went well cos maybe everyone used to each others style. went to slack with jun after that where di and shiying went back to hc to clear their remaining scenes. then night time they came back and we 4 had dinner. then went to playground to play, haha. fun and nice. tml going out with ken and jun to recee place first. should be fun and exciting. okay tml i think i also going to complete alot of work for tcp scenes. WOO. oh yes FYP has been great, booked the dates for bintan le. bring ken and di along. but i dunno my other team members skali last min dont want go. haha. but i think most prob confirmed. JUNE IS GONNA BE A PACKED MONTH. damnit. okays well i think im going meowmeow soon. oh so random. okays i just completed a man made scene take board. WTH> man made sia. hah. okays im pro. self motivation taught by kenneth. hah. THANK YOU DEREK FOR YOUR FIRST AID KIT. hehe. so random todae i go buy something for ah jie. im so sweet. im not in love with her okay, im very in love with huiyun. heh. :D kidding. goodnights and hugs. i love my 2 baby brothers. heh.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
TCP hired a new FM todae. Let's welcome Jovis. She is a very sincere girl. Better days ahead! :D 我要三代同堂。(for yyann and szekee, hehe)
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
well I would like to extend the warmest welcome to 2 people! Welcome Fred and LeeYan on board TCP CreW! :D One new Brandings and Promotions Manager and one new Assistant Producer. swee. hehe. okays Lee Yan will officially start work this Sunday, and im very sure tcp's will treat her very well. :D Okays. Jiayous! okays lah this blog post is dedicated to them both. Warmest welcome again to TCP. :D i hope you both have fun and make more friends. hehe, love you bro! FYP is progressing so very well. i'm very pleased, really. Yeah, ken is back. tomorrow is brans syf, thurs should be tcp/fyp dae, fri is meeting with yyann, sat is recee with ken, sun filming. woo, feels so damn good to be busy but tiring. :D Peak point now. I shall work harder. :D goodnights and hugs! * i've heard a little from the girls about the wrap party and im rather pleased with their planning, can see progress alot. jiayous. im looking forward to the party. :D
Monday, April 21, 2008
OH! its was 8.40am where my teacher said its breakout now meet at 1030 at adventure learning centre. now im so free i got 1.5hours free. wth. okays so fun huh. todae problem statement is say what we have experience at the adventure centre. hehe. so fun and easy. okays this shall be a proper post admist yesterdae tiredness made me write a random and bleah post. i would still like to thank the 3 girls for doing a great planning ahead as well as to congratulate di for his freedom after take no.2 but poor boy getting more workload from change. oh yes people, due to very tiring and busy schedule i have ahead for fyp as well as tcp filming, i personally told zhiyang i would like to drop out from Change concert. sorry ah! not much spare time for Change this year! Gah but i'll concentrate more on my FYP and for TCP at least I have the 3 girls to help me ease my workload. hehe. :D Yyann and Sze kee most workload now in tcp, jiayou! Especially Yyann. I trust you and you did a good job contacting the sponsors yesterdae. after filming yesterdae we went to eat BK. haha. okays i went home alone with Ah jie after that and we talked about school politics and i felt i was telling a counsellor something because she really listens and ask questions. haha and im quite honoured she didnt stone off, nice talking to her and i kind of treasure our friendship yeap. haha. okays so random. yesterdae yyann nearly hit my balls alot of times and she went wild and horny. haha. random. yesterdae dennis filmed a romantic scene haven reviwed tapes yet but should seem sweet lah. Oh yes WTF you know I finally saw Brian's DAMN FUCKING GOOD ACTING yesterdae! I think he really portrayed out his role so damn well you know. oh no i think Di is losing his footing as the best actor le. wahaha kidding, Di still number 1 like Zoe Tay! heh. i seriously think RP should have PE lessons. I dont care im going to the gym soon! :( oh well i'm looking to next week's scenes. Forest scene worx. Should be fun and exciting or maybe sexciting. hahas. kidding. Okays Ah kor's bdae is coming yeap. 3rd June. Oh i'm so looking forward to Ken's return, that k301 never appear online i feel so weird. hahas. okays Jun dont be to sad lah. love you. see you on sundae. okays very random but i suddenly worry for shiqi's planning of props sure got things she forget to take or prepare cos its really alot alot of props. I prepared TATAMI too! HEHE. Never mind one dae me and yyann and shiqi go plan props and make sure nothing goes wrong. Hopefully. God bless. I wore jeans todae! So random. damn. Like what fred always says, Tons of Shit but still damn happy. haha. I have got so many things planned for the next 3-4 months at least. FYP outdoor project is completed and now im left with indoor project compilation for fyp and if we're fast within 1 month can complete le but my Log book havent do at all for at least 6 meetings lah! WTH. haha i think i need 3 hours to go and complete that. And 1 dae to do my report! :( hahas jiayous. :D After fyp, tcp will have its series of promotions. Will be quite happy is the M'sia side kicks off quite well. And also the tcp sponsors side hopefully everything will go well lah. Let us all work hard together, every department for every project in tcp, Music, Creative, Directing, Promotions, jiayous people! WOO. Ken's coming back tonight! :D
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Firstly I wanna say a big thank you to the 3 body parts who is planning a very difficult wrap party in june. todae's meeting went rather well, i think they know the objectives of the party and their plan and some of the concepts they come up with should be quite interesting. I really look forward to their nice finale to TCP :D Jiayous you 3! :D okays todae when i was at bradell mrt i saw this damn hot and chio blonde girl. damn,. she was just...gorgeous. hot. okays eye candy lah. like what kaile says, can see cannot eat one this type. hehe. :D oh im so happy to be next class to joce, fri we went to eat together so funny because we had so much fun disturbing each other. she rocks lah. :D okays im so tired everyone im sorry im going to sleep now although its only like 10pm. haha. blog more tml. fuck off to that bitch who hurl abuses at di. fuck you. 1moredae to ken's return!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
something paiseh happened to me yesterdae, which i didnt blog about, but guess i should blog about it because it really showed that acting helps at the right time. after school, walked to mrt with fred(thursdae) fred took bus back, i went up to mrt platform, walk past this girl whom i dunno at all and dont even recognise and she shouted excitedly "SEAN!" i turned around and she took off her sunglasses and said "its me lah! i wore sunglasses to school todae" this point,i felt so lost and helpless because wtf i dont know who she was leh! and i replied "oh hi!" and i scratch my leg a few times to prevent my paisehness and she said "you can continue to walk further down the platform" and i replied the most retarded answer i said "yes i'll walk down i feel like being alone" WTF. okays in the end before i could say bye and walk off she continued talking "so what school are you in ah?" (mrt arrives) i replied "SHL" okays below i shall just use lines, easier, S is she, M is me. S- wow, thats so cool. M- i dont like shl lah, damn boring and no life (still dunno who the heck she wad) S- but i tot sports school very cool one? like you get to learn body parts etc.. M- no la, not very fun, oh yea wad school you in ah? (divert topic to try to think wth she came from) S- HUH? i'm in STA, (i heard SA) M- SA? no, i mean wad school you from? S- S.T.A. M- oh.. cool. S- oh ya we tml same class ah! M- huh? S- tml creative concepts right? M- oh ya oh ya! and i knew where she came from but i seriously dunno she existed in my class or did i know her name. damn. i feel so stupid but lucking my brain was fast to think of lines and act it our so convincingly that she believed i remember her. HAHAHA. 3moredaes to ken's return! goodnights and hugs!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
todae was a shitty morning. i just felt so unfair that just because my faci don't like me, he downgrades me and demoralise me in my comments just like he did the past 2 semesters. damn fuck. well i was really fuming mad, but i begin to think about so many stuff, and the so many stuff I was thinking about were all positive stuff. hehe. i would rather self motivate myself now than continue to demoralise myself and make myself depressed. what for? If people want you dead, you live life to your fullest. heh. And things started to look better, indeed, there are faci's who believe in me, checked my grades for adventure education and got an A. that made me more sure Wahid Dawood hates me, but I ain't gonna just let him defeat me like this. I'm gonna play with him till he gives up like my law teacher. hahaha. okay todae met rina and fred for lunch. well i won't say our conversation but it really made me happy to know fred being so positive after school, he was like a total changed person during lunch and after school. (aww at this point ken smsed me to say he just reach hotel, enjoy yourself there bro!) okays well after school, i accompanied fred and help out at his style ig booth. i think this bro is a natural leader, businessman and also an entreprenuer. the way he compose himself was such that his drawings as well as his publicity of style attracted much girls attention. haha. he must be smiling now but its damn true. anyways bro, im damn proud of you todae, seriously, you DID make a bang in style todae, you gave style a new lease of life. okays todae some stuff have to thank zhiyang too for helping, hope jun/di will feel okay and when jun told me he going army in June i felt abit sad i dunno why, but felt happy for him cos he's gonna get free exercise and meals. haha. okay i sidetrack abit and take time off to thank szekee for planning the tcp 'sports' carnival, she's doing a great job, i think we should transfer her to be crew instead of casts since she is doing a great job. haha. i've decided to take sat off and to get a new desktop and not to procrastinate anymore. damn. i'm so looking forward to sundae because my whole family would get to bond. okay to end tonight, i shall use ken's method of saying goodbye, but to 5 people who plays an important part in my life. Surprising all guys leh. :( lols. Nights Di, Jun, Ken, Fred and Jian. Goodnights and hugs. 4 More Days to Ken's return!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
i'm so gonna fall asleep. i think i've been overworking recently, my body needs a rest. i think i have to cancel saturday's events to let my body take a good rest. hang on for another 2 more daes. well i felt so helpless when i saw di's phone roll into the sea. but luckily, we have ken who i dunno how went back to west coast and managed to find di's phone in the sea. recently have been busy with fyp again. but good news is that we're done with 75% and we're very happy that our supervisor is telling us on how to finalise our report already. And best thing is that we're gonna stay as a same team for semester2fyp. reflecting back todae, i suddenly really like to listen to BJ talk when he talks bout his story and when he makes sense, cos i like his matured way of talking sometimes. haha. he kept me company that whole long strectch of road todae. that horny bastard.. haha. okay i shall summarise everything in a thankyou to a few people todae. thanks khalid for your advice on our fyp and smiling cos you look real funny when you laugh. thanks to zul/winnie/jinying/bj for being such wonderful fyp teammates. thanks fred for sitting at a booth and seeing him made me happy for awhile, thanks to yyann for letting me play badminton todae. haha. thanks to the hot babe who gave me a free bottle of coke todae, i love it. thanks to everyone who made my super tiring wednesdae not so tiring, last but not least, i thank you ken for all the care and concern and so many things blah blah you have done for me, sounds gay but you done so much for me and di that i feel you're a saint sometimes although mostly you're not haha, but have a safe trip to bkk, come back nicely, takegood care of yourself there, enjoy, havefun and i'll see you real soon. :D we're gonna miss you! goodnights and hugs(for ken only/tonight nia, my favourite buddy flying off ma) okay lah okay lah.. goodnights and hugs(for the rest of the ppl/dont tell ken) hehe. :D
Monday, April 14, 2008
Some of you may have know about her. Dawn Yang, a hot babe with nice features on her face. I think about 60% of netizens know about her fake face after plastic surgery. damn. Hers is more serious den Felicia Chin... You got to see this. ![]() ![]() ![]() Scary right? But hor i personally dont really find her very pretty leh. Maybe its really based on individual perception, cos her face just looks too fake. Okay im sorry to Felicia Chin fans, but below are some photos of Felicia Chin before and after. ![]() ![]() ![]() Cant really find a pic of her upclose to see her current features but quite sad cos i kinda liked felicia chin when she acted as mei ren yu but not now anymore. :( ZOE TAY STILL PWNS. hahas. bye. im bored in class lah.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
okay todae was a good dae I supposed. Okay i really wish i could admit a secret here bout todae but i cant cos its so malu, but nevermind, pride away, I LOVE TCP Okays damn. Today filming was rather short and everyone did well. Okays I was joking with Szekee todae bout the laughing, i dont blame you a single bit, if you felt i was angry it means my acting was good. wahaha. Had meeting at 2pm. Our last meeting was like..long ago. Todae's meeting was to duixi for the last episode scripts, i really thought that it was productive, i dunno leh, but tcp got good news lah and i think Ah Jie seems rather happy, you know hor, when i saw Ah Jie eyes bright up when she saw the sponsored stuff I was like so happy deep down inside. I don't think normal people would feel the same way as me, cos im rather abnormal, in my ways of thinking. hahas, aiya, i feel happiness in a different way can..? oh photoshoot went well, boss quite pleased ah. wahaha. Oh god i really hope your sales go up man. Watch gethigh07' and man, so much fond memories.. thank god, im a gethigh-ian. after that me, ah jie, shiying, yyann and baby bro went to mac to chat, had dinner there as well and then surprisingly we talked about relevant stuff haha, so fun, and how i discriminate. damn. oh yes talking bout yyann i suddenly find that she grow up in tcp leh, todae during meeting she TALK leh bout the jiexi and imaging i find that the quiet yyann is now a matured yyann. SALTY leh, but i think it was another right choice made. Outsourcing your departments brings fresher and better ideas, well jiayous for imaging! IP. wow cool name, IP=imaging producer yeap. I still remember yyann's first dae in tcp.. was the carpark scene between ken and dex.. time flies. haha, yyann im proud of you like a lalapo meow sia. You freaking salty nugget. Okay at this point, shiying wil say "you're tired" haha. we talked bout fab5 too. memories and memories. oh god. im lucky i took that role and getting to know, ahjie, shiying,moxi and of course, Di, highlights in my life man! WOO! oh so sweet was reading ken's blog and i find him very sweet, because he is so random till i find he is a good guy as the daes go by. haha. joking. well i dont forget my roots, if without dex, i wont know ken, so thanks dex! okay school tml. f*ck. i will sleep in class leh! :( nevermind, im looking forward to next week's mondae's lessons because we're going to go adventure centre for lessons! can climb high ropes, i think im becoming an outdoor person bit by bit. fuck. outdoor=blacker. fuckx2. okay recently fred blog post also very sweet. love him. i miss jun too. think his hair grow spider webs. i'l see him soon. suddenly also miss kenneth and shiying also dunno why, read their blog post sometimes can cheer me up. especially ken's blog. to end, i still think brian is very shuai and will bring in high viewership. oh yes, i dunno if he is still sick, but get well soon dennis! goodnights and hugs! ![]() Today is a very good day for tcp. Shall discuss it over meeting tml. :D Okays i got a happy feeling suddenly, because zhiyang refreshed our memory on gethigh dance, and like after nearly 1 year suddenly refresh my memory, turn and beside me is marc, sijia, esther, zhiyang and of cos brian, and something just overwhelmed me, maybe its the fond memories of gethigh, the wonderful daes we had, and im very glad i was part of gethigh07'. Change juniors are very adorable people, much more refined than us. hahas. damn. i miss gethigh! :( okays just an advertisement for Change concert(known as GetHigh concert last year) me and brian, together with gethigh's o7', your first Campus Superstar would be doing 2 items, and do come down and support us as well as my Change juniors as they have worked very very hard to bring their passion and interest to good use for charity. Render your support and go for change concert this 31st May!! :D Visit http://www.gethigh.youth.sg/change/ for more information on the concert. Support Change! Support Us! :D haha, Ah Jie has cleared her leave and she's back with us now! But.. i think Brian would go on leave soon. got good reasons for that. Okays at night, i felt really really really very happy, i was literally shouting like nuts in my room. okays damn. Oh well, i wanna shout 阿姐是我们的代言女王!wahaha! okays damn. recently everything around me has been speed up to x2 and im finding it rather hard to catch up with time. But for sure everything will drag till August for me. Well it feels very good to be busy, but at the same time, i wish for more time. i think tml meeting would be very productive. :D i found a lighting man in my creative concepts class leh! HAHA. maybe he can come help tcp in lightings. wahahahaha. goodnights and hugs!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
khim just sent a sms to us. though it was short, but i found it sweet. i just have got to say.. Khim i miss you too. WAHAHA. you can see your dearsss all on saturday! :D
![]() okay lessons are damn frigging sian with this bloody f*cking Wahid Dawood. That ass is my faci again this round. WTH. You Wahid man, better watch out if you dare to disturb my grades again haha! Okay im so happy cos im meeting fred later. Oh yes recently some tcp peeps call me MAS. WTH. I've decided to play along with them. And below are the names i'll call them should they call me MAS. wahaha! di- ang dao (hehe) shiqi- 肥肥 (got abit similar) ken- hurhur (hurhur) brian- swee lan (hehe) Anyone else who calls me MAS shall get a unique name from me. wahaha! so fun. okays im so bored thus a random post, hehe. okays my class todae is E55H and got alot of Year 2s in this class. Quite cool, work with younger people makes me feel young too. haha. Okays i got one tcp project on hand, and i intend to let one person do this task, and im sure this person can do it best. hehe. :D takecare and hugs.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Oh god, sports administration class sucks big time like WTH. Its a replica of SPORTS LAW. wtf nvm. okays poor rina car got bang until the boot cant lock and she panicked, make me panic also leh but nvm lucky she listens to what people have to say, and get well soon car! hahas. after school ken came to pick me up and fred and we went to send lightings back and then on the way saw shiying and yyann aiya cant join them for dinner but nvm next time i'l play a good host. hahas. todae tcp2 postcards are out and we went to collect them. thanks bro for his help too. :D okay it rained heavily and wth got abit wet okay nvm we got the 10,000 internal publicity cards! whee whee! fred recommended bedok's bak chor mee, not bad. hehe, then after go bedok reservior and then go T3, cos ken and fred never go before then we ate bean ice cream and did Rj there then home. tired. goodnights and hugs!
Monday, April 07, 2008
Yesterdae night scene was a rather challenging one. I felt that Kaile and di acted very well. Especially when kaile spoke her lines, not easy to recite your lines under such mood you know. And di for his tears welling up then drop at same time. Not bad. A very mentally and physically challenging scene. Slowly step by step we can tackle such scenes. :D Okay lets talk bout school todae before i go to bed. Morning. I left my phone silent mode so i never hear my phone ring sia! Paiseh Shiqi call the 4th time then I picked up. I just felt the vibrating of my phone on the floor then woke up and wtf, heng only 6.53am. haha. okays went to school, i took my time and then got 2 trains for me to choose, the 2 mins to boon lay or 4 mins to boon lay, i decided to take the 2 mins one and boy i made the right choice, should i take the 4 mins one, i would have been late for school, cos i think the train behind my train was the one that banged the guy to death todae at CCK. Phew. If i was caught in the mrt incident, i think i would have take the train back to lakeside and find di for breakfast. HAHA! okays i reach around 837am but teacher marked me early haha good. okays i went into my new class E55C and i heard a VO from a girl behind group saying, eee, why phil-sean kevin.. his name so weird de.. this whole class name all weird de, she told her friend. Idiot sia. haha. okays LongFei same class as me! haha! okay lah this class not bad because the girls very hyper! Todae was Adventure Education module. WTH so BORING! I slept during 3rd meeting leh! damn im so sorry i just couldnt help it because my class had to many jigglypuff presenters that made me wanan sleep, plus the weather.... hahas. okay second meeting, kaile ps us and join her friends. damn her. haha kidding. but no kaile came YYANN! haha, she join us awhile lah then after breakfast i walk back class see rena, she said.. eh your hair grow very long leh, and you like.. fatter. WTF!! argh. i sad. okays but see rena me HAPPY cos very long never see this old friend. Okay after go back class i saw reject(chweeyi) and then i realised she is in same class and i never see her! haha, she then said "eh sean i notice your hair grow alot leh! last time i saw you you still botak leh" wth that was 1 year ago you reject and you tell me my hair after 1 year wont grow? I cut a few times le lor, its a bush lah! I cant help it leh... :( Okay lunch met rina and we go eat, rina like become more lady hehe, and still.. cute. Tie her hair so cute and we ate noodles nice, whole canteen packed like sardines, then we go booklink buy sweet and drink then back to class. Okays back to class complete ppt and then stoned and sleep awhile then lesson time present then go back table and fell asleep! ARGH! damn. okay after school walk walk then behind me got footsteps and then wanrong joined me and we both like competing who walk faster to mrt station, chat and catch up abit, hehe, pretty pretty wanrong really like a flower now. :D okays went home and... TV! okays tired le, tml lesson is sports administration i think. Sure boring. fuck. I really hope to see fred soon, i got an urge to call him bro sia! :( goodnights and hugs! :D
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Shiying brightened my whole morning todae. She made me breakfast, a raisin bread and a handmade bread with butter with sugar. Knowing I was sick and down with fever the night before she made my dull morning bright and I found her gesture just so sweet! Thanks SHIN! haha. I hope you enjoy your reunion with your body parts tml. haha. Filming went well. Just felt that I could have done abit better should I have focus abit more on character development of the role and the xi jie of other stuff. I seriously have to thank di and brian for leading me and reminding me the character continuation. I feel much better now. MUCH BETTER. Today's publicity meeting went well too. Very productive and very essential for the survival. :D Kaile found ken's idea damn good she abit ji dong. okay. goodnights and hugs.
Friday, April 04, 2008
FEVER FEVER FEVER FEVER FEVER. Thanks to ken for the medicine. :D I like sembawang park. FILM FILM FILM FILM FILM I Look forward to it though. :D
Thursday, April 03, 2008
HEY PEOPLE!!!! Do you like trendy watches for an afforadable price? Visit this website now! http://watch-your-steps.blogspot.com/ Well tcp's latest sponsor is offering their trendy watches at a cheap rate now! Go grab your orders now! And yes you can catch Ah Jie and 5 other casts endorsing their items! AH JIE LEH!!! AH JIE GOT SPONSORED LEH!!! Okays she'll have more sponsors soon anyway. OKAY GO VISIT THE WEBSITE NOW!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
okays, admist the still happy feeling of going to Bintan im still more concern over the progress of our fyp. We completed 7/10 yesterdae for our project climax scope and todae, will be completing abour 8/10 of it. Left with zul's provider before our interview scope is completed. We're way ahead of time, but never to be complacent, you'll never know when you need more time. Thus we must work hard and not slack, just like how we're doing now. :D fyp team rocks. okays. other than fyp, i still got my tcp to talk about. wahaha. tcp episode 2 is going to be out tml! Stay tuned! :D Actually i dunno why but i hope episodes 6-10 quickly come out because i personally feel the story is rather exciting and its like alot of loopholes for viewers to spot, but then as the episodes go by, the holes are solved and covered with answers. SO FUN. Well after this week's filming, we're left with about 20+ scenes or so? Slowly counting down. Quite fun to see the show finally wrapped, but quite sad that it has to end. Well.. all good things must come to an end. hahs. Well i would say that we all better work hard and do a good job now before next time we would regret not doing a good job. It will stay with us for life de leh.. haha. :D Oh yes, i wanted to blog about Pulau Ubin interview that day at OBS. My dear fyp member BJ slept during the interview! haha! The rest of us 4 was like trying to wake him up by knocking the table, making sounds etc, and the in-charge Li shan saw him sleep! ARGH! hahas! Damnit, but nvm lah, he looks funny when he sleeps. hahas! woo! okay it has been a long rest from filming. Fri to sun all filming so should rest more and go read scripts. okay fyp later, takecares and hugs!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Todae was really an insightful and enriching trip to OBS at Pulau Ubin for our FYP Project. Have to thank Mike Yip as well as Li Shan for making this trip possible. Well woke up at 630am todae morning, well i kept constantly from 4am to 5am for no reason. maybe because scared i'll be late and miss the ferry. wth. hahahas. Okays well everyone was on time and we reach Punggol Point by 9am. Took the boat there and interview started. Then my fav part came, which was travelling around Ubin and visiting the quarries which i have always wanted to visit but no chance, cos its close to public and yeaps thats why has alot of fun todae and it was really enriching to know so much about OBS as well as Pulau Ubin and im sure todae's trip will help us alot for our report! FYP IS 50% completed! tml will be going Sentosa for FYP, hope all goes well again. Gah. Let pictures do the talking I guess. Met jun after that for lunch, poor boy long time never see him le, after that went home, damn shag. tired tired! goodnights and hugs! |