Sunday, July 26, 2009
In camp now lah. I wonder by this post i got see the old ah ma and grandchild at night anot. Haha! I hope not! Today is 21/7/09! Racial Harmony Day! Whee! Happy Birthday Melvin again! Alrights. I am listening to NDP'09 Theme Song now. Hmms. Feels weird lah but after a few times its a little catchy. Different feel, share with you all. :)
Friday, July 24, 2009
Post before Tekong
![]() In about 7 hours time, I'll be off to Tekong! :) Thank you so much to Brian, Adria, Kaile, Weilong, Melvin, Yyann and of course Alouis for today. Thank you Yyann for the sweet picture card. Thank you Melvin and Kaile for the chocolates, thank you di for the blessings. lol. Met di today morning to celebrate brother's day! It falls on 24th July every year, but just happens that this year I'll be in army thus we decided on today. Hah! Subway to mark the day, hug to close the night. Happy Bro's Day and Happy Birthday to Fred and Shi Qi. :) See you all back in 2 weeks time! :)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
the last day as a boy.
![]() ![]() ![]() Today was an awesome day. Alright woke up at 615am for work. Was waiting at Commonwealth Mrt platform when the sms came and said that because of rain, fieldtrip postpone till 12pm! I was like what?! Alright so i went back for a 2hour+nap. Work was great. Last day of class. After work Boss brought me to National Sailing Centre, find for her son. Hmm. she told me to go learn sailing so 2 years later when I out of NS can help her with sailing projects. Interesting. I think I will learn sailing when I am free on weekends. Seems interesting. After that went back to office and slept for 1/2 hour. 6pm, Ben drove us to AMK eat Chachos! Damn nice I tell you, its like better than Kenny Rogers lah. Yeah boss treat today, farewell for me, touched yeap. Well, after being at creative kids for nearly 6 months, all I can say is that it has been a wonderful work experience for me. From the many field trips to teachings, I experienced how is it like to be a teacher. I like it. Yeah if nothing goes wrong should be joining my company full time after NS? Ben sent me home after dinner. Thank you Ben. :) Went home bathe and went out within 15 mins to Liang Court for another farewell. Eh actually hor what the random tagger say its true leh, I go army only, but dunno why got random farewells. Eh, maybe because it's ME! HAHA! Sean big shot mah. Heh Heh. Okay tell you it was a damn good gathering. Haven't met Allen and Marcus for 2 years! We went to Partyworld to sing and yeah till 2am. korkorting asked me to go out with him awhile whilst singing halfway. and told me he drove today. He then said I always wanted to sit his car, so today last day he want drive me out. Kaos, damn gan dong sia! I really didn't expect him to remember. He seldom drives out so yeah, touched lah bro thanks alot. :) And the weird thing was after the singing, Yoke Fun gave me an angbao?! Wth, so i say weird right, its just going army, its the people around me making it big. Yeah so she gave me a rather big red packet tell me to go in nicely. LOL! Sibei cute but yeah touched again. I easily get touched. Hah! Yeah so after that for the first time big bro drive me out. He asked me where I wanted to go, so I try lah see how well he know me, knn, sibei zhun he guessed it right first try. Yeah so we drove Xue Fen home first before heading to Marina Barrage. Wah really know me inside out man this brother... Talk there, then suddenly water sprout out. Like fountain, abit weird. Yeah so we laugh and after awhile he drove me to West Coast makan prata. Well after prata he drove me home by driving thru 99 bend. Interesting road with 9 bends. Led to my house area. Hah! Thank you bro for the pleasant night. Got only like 3 hours sleep and i'm off for the long awaited meet up with di. Our first time meeting for breakfast as a gathering?! Meeting him at 9.15am at Jurong Point. Going to be damn shag but it's going to be worth it. After that is off to get my phone at IMM. Home for a shorrt mahjong session and the ultimatum dinner! HAHA! And HOLY SHIT it's NS for Seany! 1 More day to The Ultimatum Tekong Trip! :) Thank you kor, haato, creative kiddos for today, I appreciate everything planned today. Heh Heh. Sean's a very happy boy tonight. Lastly, Ben watched The Pinnacle and told me "Hey, thats like a Mini TCS Drama!" Haha! Next, @men just MSN-ed me saying "I've caught all the 3 Pinnacle Episodes, it's great". Wow, I'm even happier tonight. Till then, seanyboy, or seanyman.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
say hi
![]() this week is so packed i can hardly find empty slots. hmm. Work tomorrow, 745am till 3pm. East View Sec. Back to office slack. Dinner at AMK, farewell from my company. Hmm. Then 10pm to Liang Court, gathering for Haato. Thursday, with di in noon. I feel so bad today, last min, gah. Thursday about 3pm to 6pm go back RP see Jan have small chat return stuff. Night dinner with Alouis and Adria. Friday morning woohoo! Okay now the feeling is excited. Yesterday play 2 rounds of mahjong with Alouis and Weilong. Hate playing with them, pro freaks. Weilong one stare can kill me. Alouis one movement can make me perspire. hah. Mac delivery came. Ate till 5am+ weilong left. Went back sleep. Time flies man! haha! 2 more days! :)
happy birthday melvin.
![]() ![]() at Melvin's chalet now. Over here got Alouis, Kaile, Alex, Melvin and Weilong! Yes! Weilong! Okay lah he playing mahjong, make friend with rest. Kaile sleeping whilst waiting for mac to come. Alouis losing mahjong, Weilong owning. hmm. I'm subtitling episode 4. wow. awesome. Just now, played basketball awhile. Haven't play basketball for a long time. Play with Alouis and Kaile. Weilong came about 10pm. We went to E-hub watch Harry Potter. Eh, I was anticipating the finale fight against the evil forces but then the lights came on and I was like "end liao?!" Yeah, that type of reaction lor. Not much climax. Then back to chalet and mahjong gods please bless Melvin win big so I can earn abit because we share half. Haha! Goodnight! Happy 21st Birthday Melvin. It's really nice to know you. You're like a big brother to everyone. :) Thanks for being a big bro to me too! heh heh!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Pinnacle studios shoot ended yesterday. Left with OB. Felt weird. I'm leaving a place that I've been with the past 7 months. Plus minus 5 months of filming there. Nostalgic. A place i always wanted to leave as soon as possible after filming and a place which I didn't want to leave so soon yesterday. Thank You Pinnacle. I'll miss you. A few more OB scenes before I say goodbye to this wonderful show. :) Chalet tonight. Lunch with Di tomorrow. Am looking forward to 3rd Year brothers day. Heh. :) Will blog more about the history of brothers day tomorrow. :)
thank you.
![]() I was quite touched today when I actually got the farewell gift from ken, brian, shiying, adria, kaile and ah jie. It was a photo album filled with our pictures over the past 3 years. Very meaningful. :) When i'm feeling bored or when I miss them over at tekong, i'll be able to "see" them anytime. Aww. How I wish i would have more time. 4 more days to National Service! :)
Friday, July 17, 2009
dai di
![]() 4.06am. Fervyn and Alouis at my house playing dai di. Showing them some tcp episodes help them familiarize. Tomorrow got filming and i havent got enough sleep! so screwed! but never mind at least supper was good. It's the first time i see Fervyn since 3 weeks ago?! Okay. Off to drink water. :) Tomorrow is Jin Hong's 21st Birthday. Wow time flies.
![]() ![]() today mother treat me and kenneth eat Sakura buffet. We went to Clementi Woods outlet. Swee lah. Awesome food. Ken came and slacked till 11plus. And did you read the news about Fiona Xie opting out of the Blockbuster? Imaging all done le leh! Siao! Career ending move man! So far over at TCP no such casts chu pattern yet. If not, i tell you I will definitely be so pissed with the person I vow to never casts the person again in any shows. lol. And i can't believe I actually deleted the whole Intangible Bond and am re-writing it again, for the 3rd time. Gosh. Which means, previous casting all changed. Shit. So dead.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
awesome day
![]() ![]() gah. dragged myself out of bed today for work. sky looked really weird. took train at 6.40am. At Tanah Merah, boss called. Field trip cancelled! I was like sweee lah can revise more, but on the other hand, its damn! I'm already at Tanah Merah! Destination was to East View Sec, Tampines. Nah boss was great brought me for tour, breakfast and went back to office to talk cock. Went for lunch with Ben, Pam and Theresa. Skyped for the first time with Athena! Awesome stuff!! Yeah around 1230pm went off to look for korkorting. Damn. I literally walked around Clarke Quay a few rounds to kill time. If he was my bro, wont even care to wait. Yeah his work ended at 3 so he was supposed to go Beach road buy my army stuff lah but lazy go yeah so we opted to go Marina Square eat. Had Swensons! Awesome!! I like awesome now. Okay so we eat and eat. Then my nice brother accompanied me see new army phone. Heh. Walked to Bugis! Shop around for slippers also. And yeap. Nothing much. Awesome! Told you I like awesome now. Okay and then we went to visit yoke fun. Lyn came along, havent seen her in like years?! Then at night Mike treated us to dinner. Skyped with Jaswan. Totally Awesome i skyped with a 1 year old baby. Okay. went home at 10.30pm. About to bathe then my very nice brother said xiao gu wants me out to slack also, yeah so we slacked at Hans till 12am+. Went home and wanted to have a feel of writing Mahjong Table, so i requested play Mahjong. ccb, that request gave me new ideas to write but costs me $6 bucks of school fees. Mother sibei pro today. Hate playing with my sister, awesome sore loser. Okay nights. Thank you to the best kor kor in the world for today. See you next wed. :)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
someone close reminded me yesterday night to write Intangibond properly. I am sincerely hoping for your return. I am in need of good actors who can bring the story out. :)
mount faber
![]() Today filmed at SP till 2pm. Fredo, Alouis, Ah Jie, Adria and Sze Kee came my house slack. 4pm went to Mount Faber film. Dinner at Holland V Katong Laksa house. :) Brian joined us for dinner. Night was gambling session, Guanta gambled and was heavily in debt. Nice day and night. 12 more days to enjoy life to its fullest. Heh.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Yesterday got someone tell me "Pinnacle filmed in a very hong kong style" I was like hmm.. really meh? Hong Kong and Singapore got style one meh? But i guess it means good right? My directions for Intangibond: Scenic shots. Brian just left for his National Day show, Ah Jie and Alouis still sleeping. I'm going to get ready for filming. I still prefer Singapore. :) It's my homeland. My aim for 2010, work with more Singaporeans. :) If you get my hint. :) Its my turn to help my fellow Singaporeans. :)
Saturday, July 11, 2009
TCp in the news!
Hey! TCP's in the news! :D OMY.SG news report on TCP! Filming will begin at 1pm. Hmm. Haven't filmed an intense scene for a very long time. Umbrellas, mosquito coils, chairs, water. 本地学生首创网上连续剧 办“红星大奖” 一群年轻人在资金、技术与经验匮乏的情况下拍摄了三部网上连续剧。有人批评他们制作不专业,也有人劝他们别浪费时间,但这群热爱戏剧的年轻人无畏嘲讽,只想借助拍戏把青春与理想完好纪录。 这群来自不同背景的青年三年前成立部落格,推出独立自制的网上连续剧"The Changing Point",讲述年轻人在生命转捩点做出的抉择。受访监制兼导演苏朔安(21岁) 说,剧集并非学校作业,完全出自大家对戏剧制作的浓厚兴趣。 播映初期 劣评如潮 3年前,苏朔安招募了十多个对演戏有兴趣和懂得幕后制作的朋友,向学校借了摄像机,便开始利用周末时间进行拍摄。他当时虽然懵懂,却很有野心,一口气拍了十集之多。 剧集播出后,观众的负面反应令大家大受打击。朔安透露,一开始制作技术不纯熟,剪辑、画面处理和拍摄技巧都很生涩。许多观众看不过眼,在部落格留言板宣泄不满。这让制作团队意识到有群忠实网民正密切关注剧集。他们于是听取了观众的建议,加以改进,乘胜追击推出第二系列。 目前,网上连续剧每集点击率约3000人次。小商家也渐渐找上门,表示愿意赞助服饰。朔安说:"演员的支持让我坚持把第二系列做得更好。播出后,好的评语多了,对我们是种肯定。" 预映延迟 网友"不爽" 如今,剧组正如火如荼拍摄名为《双尖塔》的第三部连续剧,讲述感化院内一群年轻人的故事。朔安透露,8集的连续剧,需耗费5个月拍摄。有一次女主角请假,导致拍摄进展被拖慢,原先安排的网上预映临时无法推出,结果引来观众反弹。有匿名网友便在留言板上指责:"就算是网上连续剧,如果延后播出,也该事先通知观众。你们的做法非常不负责任!" 对此,剧组表示歉意,不过也希望观众网开一面,明白他们不是专业人士,需要更多时间协调拍摄工作。 演员会不会"嫌弃"网上连续剧格局小?"翻版红星大奖"又是怎么回事? 演员只想把戏演好 一部好的连续剧除了完善的剧本和纯熟的拍摄技巧, 更需要有才华的演员将剧本精神充分体现。17岁的黄超群是常驻演员之一,曾参与多部儿童剧的拍摄,和朔安合作已有3年。 在电视台拍戏,超群得到的角色多属配角或"咖哩菲",拍摄独立网上连续剧,则有机会尝试当男主角的滋味。他认为,和同龄朋友合作,若对剧本或拍摄有意见,可畅所欲言地提出来。 网上连续剧格局小,收视率也远不及电视剧,超群却说:"我们清楚看的人不多,不过大家拍戏不是为了成名。我们演技还嫩,如果急着上电视,反而会惹来更多批评。" 办"红星大奖" 提高演员士气 电视台有年度娱乐盛事"红星大奖",朔安也在学校讲堂举办颁奖礼,由幕后工作人员进行评选,颁发"最佳男女主角"和"最受欢迎男女演员"等奖项。 入围"最佳男主角"的超群认为,颁奖典礼的概念有些滑稽,毕竟剧组只有十几位演员。不过朔安说:"我想肯定演员的努力,让他们的父母了解孩子每个周末都在做有意义的事。我也想让人知道,会演戏的演员不只出自电视台。" 点击vodcast,看《双尖塔》精选镜头以及逗趣的幕后拍摄花絮!
Friday, July 10, 2009
weilong rocks
All TCPs should watch this. Damn solid acting. :D Watch and I add your lines. HEHE
I really like to ask Wei Long for advice. Just now I was about to buy army bag, so I was worried that maybe cannot bring certain colour, so I called Weilong to ask. He said no colour restriction, so I asked him, Red or Blue better ah? He replied Blue lah, Red = Enemy. Makes sense. Went out with Rena, will blog in detail when I get pictures. Rena says that Ah Jie acting damn good, watch her act bitch really feel like slapping her. Hehe. Thats why Ah Jie mah. Enjoy watching Pinnacle when you're back at Sydney! :D To end, thanks eragon bro! :D
dinner with sec sch buddies.
![]() Had dinner with korkor, tien soon, gwen and xiao-gu. darn it. I hate xiao-gu's driving. it's always 120km/h and i'm so afraid. Especially when the AYE/ECP stretch is filled with IR curves and bends. Haha! But yeah, we had dinner at Vivo. Some Hong Kong Gary restaurant. Went there recently and saw quite alot of people queueing, so today wanted to try the food. Okay lah. Normal food. Had the curry rice, so-so only. Then outside to Vivo to slack. Yeah and then my lovely korkor fulfilled my wish to bring me to Marina Barrage. Finally. Damn nice the place, i know im a little slow, but yeah the scenery rocks man! Heh! We slacked for an hour plus at the Barrage before heading to Holland V for dessert! Went to Hans, korkor treat me eat cake. Me like. They decided to go Loyang pray, but i decided to go home, since im already home. thanks Gu for the ride, ccb drive slower lah kaobei. I will get my license soon you all watch out! Haha! Next week korkorting say accompany me go buy army thing. You say one hor. Okay, meeting Alouis for a drink, haven't seen him for some time. The last time I saw Alouis was like... 1 day ago. That's long, judging that I meet him once every 12 hours since the past 2-3 weeks. LOL! Outing with Rena tomorrow to Tanglin Mall?! 14 More days to NS! :D or :( I don't know. Okay this is for my dear friend Shi Ying. You're a good actress. Different people got different definitions of good. You may be an lousy actress to some, but to me, you're one of the best I have and that's why I name you the top 2 on my list. :) And over here at TCP, it ain't matter who you're good enough for, because, as long as I think you're good, thats all that's important. If TCP will go on at least for another 5 years, you'll still be one of my top 2 choices, always. To me, thats what I call an Ah Jie. The top actresses who can portray the roles well. :) To Sean the Producer or Sean the brownie, I still love you, and your acting indefinitely, im never bored of what you've got to offer me and the viewers and yes, that's what is important. To the 6th Gen it may be of respect, but to me, it's based on your acting. Even the producer's mother say so. Hehe. Meow. Have more confidence in your acting because I have it in you! :D
Thursday, July 09, 2009
overdue pictures
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Wednesday, July 08, 2009
To the soul, there is hardly anything more healing than friendship. Thomas Moore. Dedicated to the close ones.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Going to get my Army stuffs later. :) I like Celest Chong songs, if you didn't know. :) This song is damn nice. About forgiveness. Nice. Been writing Intangibond the past 2 days. Have to get use to names like Zhi Hao, Zhi Kai, Yu Xuan, Zhi Jie and Shu Xian. I always have this problem when I do a new show. I remember once I typed Rui Kai instead of Wei Siang because I was thinking of Brian. Anyway, get well soon bra bra! No more oysters for you! :)
Monday, July 06, 2009
1000th post
No Boundaries: Kris Allen.
Edited* Waiting for Alouis to wake up, Adria to come to my place. Going to Ikea for dinner. Going to get my army stuffs this week, or latest by next week. Hope to get the spectacles and hangers by this week. If you didn't know, Sean is rather unpredictable, the 7th Gen may just consists of all my bunk mates. hah! cock! 6th Gen better enjoy their time as newcomers. Kidding. I like 6th Gen. :)
Sunday, July 05, 2009
19 more days
Yesterday was Sze Kee's 21st Birthday Celebration. Ate quite alot and I had fun. After the party watched Transformers. Hmm. I thought that it was not a very nice movie because the action scenes were a little too overwhelming for me. I'm more of a comedy freak. hah. Ah Jie, Fredo and Alouis stayed my place. 19 more days to serve the nation. :) I love Singapore. I haven't packed anything! Haven't even bought the stuffs yet! Dinner with Brian, Adria, Eunice, Adele, Alouis, Ah Jie and Fredo at Holland V later. Bye. I want to maximise my 19 days. I will and I would.
Friday, July 03, 2009
schedule is out
I feel so honoured, Ah Jie invited us to her house for dinner! Her mum cooked chicken rice! :) Stepping into Ah Jie's house is like... Awesome. The trophies... wow. Okay. Going for a jog now with Ah Jie and Alouis! HAHA! Filming at downtown later! :) Happy 21st Birthday Sze Kee Gu Ki Ki! :S
Thursday, July 02, 2009
The Mahjong table
Wanted to write Intangible Bond but my heart chose to write The Mahjong Table today. Completed first episode. Feels great. Though it's only 3 episodes it's a rather sweet story. Though it's for Chinese New Year, there are some sad parts lah. Don't want it to be a typical comedy. Some casts from Intangible Bond will be crossing over to this show instead. Omgosh. Been smsing Jin Hong the past 1 hour plus, he can't sleep in Tekong. So yeah he's sharing some ghostly experiences. Damn. Really got ghost de. Shit. Tekong training now slack due to H1N1. Best time to enter Tekong. Heh Heh Heh. Okay. I like one scene in Mahjong Table. There is this scene on H1N1. Wei Long gambles in this illegal gamgbling den and then Christopher got H1N1 and went to gamble although he got quarantine. LOL! Then all kena quarantine. Quite funny scene. Also like the scene where Weilong squeeze Adria's boobs to let go of him. LOL! Okay I think I'm quite good at such perverted scenes. Went Vivo and had Carl's Junior for dinner with Alouis. Going to meet him for supper now. He should just stay with me till 23rd July. We're meeting everyday.. So cool because he stays so near! Eat together, go home together, go out together..
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
goodbye pinnacle..
just completed writing Episode 8 at 2.30am. Another chapter ended! Pinnacle is DONE! :D My 4th completed show. Wow. The feeling is great. Say goodbye to Mingwei, Wei Siang, Zi Ling, Peiyu etc. Well it really marks another chapter lah. Thank you Fervyn for the FREE flyer tickets. Asked Shi Ying to go, flyer ride was okay only. It wasn't fantastic, the view wasn't that superb after all, but it's Singapore, what to do. We went to walk around Millennia Walk, headed to Harvey Norman and I think I made a right investment today. (Thank you ken and di for advice). Oh, went back to work, everyone's well and fine, handover some work before I head to NS. Farewell party on 10th July! Tomorrow will start a new chapter, INTANGIBLE BOND! A new script, a new beginning, a new hope. However, I suddenly realised that ultimately as the scriptwriter, you can listen to good constructive comments. But heck is the word if you like what you write. Don't care it's cliche or what, people will still watch. Write what you feel is right, not what people want. Casts who you want, not who they want. Don't question why The Pinnacle ended that way, because I want it to end it this way. :) Sounds arrogant but hey, it's a feel good day. :) hehe. I felt this way because The Ultimatum may not have a good ending but yeah, why scold the scriptwriter? Just don't watch lah. The scriptwriter has every right to write a predictable plot, because he/she is the chosen one. It's his script. Ultimatum attracts nearly 1 million viewers every night. Is that good or bad? Have faith in your works. There'll be someone out there who will appreciate you. And i hope my casts would appreciate my scripts too. ;) 7 Months of scripting Pinnacle ends with a full stop tonight. Night Night.