Monday, November 30, 2009
my long weekend

ken. wl. mic.

chill-out place
West Coast.

Yeah Thursday was well-spent. Okay had Cohesion in the day at West Coast Park with my new Unit. It was pretty fun, the organising commitee did quite a great job judging on how much fun I had haha. Yeah my Turret section won and we will get to have another cohesion next year means we can have 3 cohesions next year! Yeah! Okay then after that got news that Jia Wei got injured in camp and got admitted to NUH, yeah so Shi Xiang sent me to NUH. Saw a visibly disturbed Desmond haha, but Jiawei was fine and that's most important. Hope he recovers 100% soon. Yeah met Ken at Queensway after that. Was anticipating him because havent seen him for so long and yeah I think he was happy to see me too I could see his grin. Heh. We walked around and ate abit. After that we went to town and continue to walk. Fiu and Mic came and yeah we walked to Orchard Central to meet Weilong. We went to Quiznos for dinner. After which we went to Chill-out place for a drink till 2am. Fiu's voice is nice. High.

Friday. Was home to recuperate the sleep debt. Haha upon agreeing the meeting time of 7pm with chuan jian I went on to take an afternoon nap and woke up at 7pm! Damnit I was late and heng they were late too. After walking aimlessly for 1/2 an hour, usual lah with them always dunno what they wanna eat, haha, we settled for dinner at Waraku. Was pretty awesome I could say judging from the portions and taste. We then left for Holland V for Starbucks! Kinda miss starbucks with Tham, Jay, Guan Guan and Gerald! Well, we're all waiting for Gerald to finish his exams. Hehe. Alrights, we shared our army experiences, especially Leon, because he is an NSF Chef! Haha, I thought no more such units but yeah still got! So after Starbucks we went to West Coast to talk about life and people till 3am. Shit, Chuan Jian knows me too too well, can't escape.

Saturday. Filming after a week hiatus. It was a day for filming the intense scenes. Ahh. Different from other show lah this one is really alot of intense scenes. Should change the show name to Intensible Bond instead haha. Yeah alot of scream, run, bang, cry, shout whatever lah. But overall it's really a good experience for those we have got the opportunity to act those scenes. After that they came over to my place to wash up and we had dinner at around 5pm? Weilong drove like he was rushing for time. Hate him. Had a good talk with Alouis for an hour before ken came back. After that we met with Yang, had beancurd and had a very good talk about some plans. After that went to East Coast for Carl's Junior. Reached home about 2am. Shagged out.

Sunday. Filming for Intangibond. Sunday's are more relax, weird to see filming on Saturday's now. But yeah was the filming of the badminton scenes. Was pretty good and quick. Was surprised with Vionna's sudden improvement, yeah it's quite a BIG jump from Pinnacle dunno what happened to her also but yeah good good. Like filming badminton scenes, because it's indoor, sheltered and basically near the water cooler! Haha. GLM after that. Shiok.
Back to work today. Damn shag. Happy that the Comms guys are here at Gedong already. :)

Sunday, November 29, 2009
new stuff

Went out with korkor, Regina, Jin Hong and Leon on Friday night. Went out with Ken, Alouis, Yang yesterday night. Filming yesterday and today, kinda like filming badminton scenes. :)

Monday, November 23, 2009
My posting

I've been posted to Sungei Gedong 12FMD. And i'm pleased to announced that it's a stay-out unit. :) That's a very good birthday present from SAF. Next, i've hired my very first editor for TCP after finding one for 3 years. That's a very good birthday present from Mr. Alan Ang. Hmm lastly, i'm in the same unit with Kean and Xiao Wang for the next 20 months of my NS Life. That's the best present from them. :) Heard life is going to be busy with lots of OT but I shall not complain. Today, went to collect my posting rather early, saw Warrant Koh and he jio-ed me go drink coffee. Had a great 25 minutes of sharing and talking. It's the first time someone told me about my character in front of me. I will remember his advice "Don't always everything say okay to people, if not people will bully you." Yeah thank you Sir. :)

Today, went back, heard feedback from turret buddies and yeah they said the hottest girl in TCP goes to... ADRIA!! And the prettiest girl goes to... KAILE!! The next in line is... Chu Xuan! And.. one asked... I didn't expect your Ah Jie to be so short. Wth?! Haha! Yeah. I will do a proper post when I get hold of all the pictures!

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Happy birthday to Sean and Kenneth!

Best Surprise of the Night. Kor Kor managed to book out!!
Guan loves this pic.
More to come soon. :)

Happy 21st Birthday to myself and of course, Happy 22nd Birthday to kenneth. :) May all the things you do come with happy returns. Appreciated everyone who made an effort to come down yesterday. Plans were delayed a wee bit due to the sudden downpour but the mood was still on. I had a memorable 21st Birthday. And i've never been so drunk in my life before. Will do a proper post when Guan Guan sends me all the pictures. :) Meanwhile, it's full of uncertainty tomorrow because i'm getting my posting tomorrow. Made plans if it's stay-in already. :) Anyway, a few of my army friends expressed interest in Kaile. Haha! I told them to wait long long, submit an application and to join the long queue. Heh! Goodnights!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

BTT 29th Turret.
Kean and Dev. :)
Alan and Desmond. :)

Tomorrow is my last day of my course and life at Ayer Rajah Camp. Am also honoured to be one of the last few batches to use the campus at Ayer Rajah Camp. :) Kranji or Gedong, i'll only know on Monday. It's the last few days of freedom for me. Here, I would like to specially thank a few people in detail who helped me one way or another.

2WO Koh, WSM.
  • Life has been good with him around. Since Day 1 at OETI, i've been thinking how the brain of this guy actually works. He really understands what trainees need and want. He knows how we feel. He made life so good and comfortable for us. He gave me alot of chances to showcase my leadership potentials. Thank you Sir. :)

1SG Kwa, Instructor.

  • At first, i really didn't like his stern face. But there was once, when he said something so funny and he didn't laugh, i then realised his face is like that one. No emotions on his face one. But he is the main figure of turret-ians. He taught all of us from practical to theory. Very patient with us, especially me who would ask the dumbest questions. Thank you Sergeant.

1SG Marcus, Instructor.

  • He looks like a trainee. He's so young and he's 1SG already. Haha. With him is an happy day for us. We look forward to his classes. Pretty touched when he said he'll arrange for something on my birthday. But yeah can't attend it this friday. Yeah, i'll go club with you soon Sergeant. :)

PTE Desmond Koh.

  • Everywhere I go, I will make one close friend. In BMT, I had Guan, Jay and Tham. Over here at Turret, it was Desmond. It's very weird. We know each other for 2 months but we see each other's true colours already, thus we quarrel and argue quite abit. Is really quarrel, I will get pissed with him, really pissed. But I will tell him why i'm angry and he'll find ways to make it up somehow, somewhere. That's a good friend. Pretty glad he's in TCP so we will still be in close proximity.

PTE Kean Lee.

  • The first time I talked to Kean was when we were touring the campus. I asked him what does his name K.L.Lee stand for, he said Lee Kuai Long, and I laughed like fuck. Cos in chinese it's really 快龙. Haha so cute his name. Kean really has a good character. Yeah but we always spend time roaming around the campus like lost souls. Go toilet together!! And yeah, eat together. Oh yeah I borrowed 2 dollars from him today. Remember to return yeah, but he say no need okay lor. YES! Hehe. Yes, our wish is to stay in the same bunk at our new unit. Hopefully.

PTE Alan Ang.

  • This guy was in my platoon in BMT. Last time I say hi to him in BMT he will ignore me and go bathe. And in BMT he will bring in the fans to wash after I wash toilet, so I very pek chek with him. Haha. Who knows he came into Turret also!!! Then we got to know each other. He is really nice. He is like Kenneth, but a softer Kenneth. Like when I say i'm hungry, he will buy oreo for me. When I say i'm thirsty he will buy me drinks. So this 2 months, i save alot of money from this 3 guys. HAHA!! But yeah, he's really nice to me, gave me good comments for Intangibond, motivating me. :)

Yeah basically, my blog may be searched by future recruits being posted to OETI. Let me tell you that life in OETI is really good. Like what my seniors at OETI said, it's called Paradise over here. :) I've enjoyed my paradise for the past 2 months and it's time to leave. Can't believe i'm a so called "Engineer" now? They don't call us technicians anymore. Haha. Wth?! Yeah. I can repair a TURRET okay! Woohoo! Goodnights. Another chapter ended. One more to begin soon. Hitting the BIG 21 soon!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
the future collaborations

Had a good business collaboration talk today with Keanabalu. Hope all can run well. Had a good recruitment talk for a new tcp MALE crew. Haha! Yes, if I succeed, we'll have 3 new male crew this year. That was my plan man. Yeah!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

We had our Wing Cohesion last Thursday at Vivo. The guy on my left is my Sergeant! He looks like one of us. The guy with the bright yellow smiley face is my WSM. The best WSM you can ever find. Sadly, we're his last batch. :)

My turret buddies are coming for my birthday not for me man! They're coming for the girls! So far, in BMT and my current coursemates, they've always wanted me to intro them TCP girls?! Haha! Yeah so once I was telling them yeah when you all come my birthday I will intro you my production girls, but no pretty ones! Haha! Kidding lah. Must one sex bomb bimbo actress for 7th Gen and the rest all guys. :) Enjoy writing the crazy scenes. As a writer, i'm able to unleash the character's powers to its fullest! :)

I'm really going to miss life in OETI. Thank you Desmond, Kean, Dev, Xiao Wang, Cong Kai, Jimmy and Alan for all the fun times we had for the past 2 months. Sadly, Desmond chose a path today where he'll be seperated from us to another unit and course. Life in OETI would be meaningless without you guys bullying me everyday. I want to thank you all now instead of the last day to show that my appreciation was not a moment of spur. :) Thank you Kean for sticking and being there and Alan for taking good care of me and Des of course you know wink wink you know I know Nobleman. :) Goodnights!

Monday, November 16, 2009
the plot

He adopted 6 children.

He died.

The 6 children grown to be young adults.

The battle started because of his biased love towards them. The battle ignited not because of his stakes, but for his love. They all were just orphans who needed and wanted love after all... At the end of the day, it was just a battle of how much they love and respected him.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

You've been away for so long that I miss you man...

Saturday, November 14, 2009

New Trailers. :)

I see the Most Improved for 2010? Everyone stands an equal chance. Today was the start of the studios scenes. Was a good day, everything was cleared pretty fast. Today W.L. let it all out.. guess he was really frustrated by me or something thats why he acted so well. Haha. Jaslyn's day one. Awesome. Can clear my worries on whether I cast correctly anot. :) After Ken is back, Shi Ying is going off to Cambodia! Luckily it's a short trip or.. I will feel sad. I feel proud when my casts improve in their acting. It makes me feel that my learning ground is working. Good. At least that's an achievement made. :) Oh yeah! Zoe Tay got nominated for Best Actress at Asian Television Awards! Woo!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

This trailer was done some time back. :)

Tomorrow is Wing Cohesion. Report to Vivo at 9am. Sounds awesome right? But guess what, i've got guard duty after that! woohoo! Awesome. So basically is book-in in CV to do guard duty! Woohoo! Awesome yeah! I'm trying to be so hyper and positive to motivate myself to serve my duty well! Woohoo! I look forward to standing 4 hours for sentry! woohoo!! I love it man! Awesome! Woo!! Monday is theory and practical test! woohoo! I better start revising! woohoo! Alright, but i'm pretty looking forward to Cohesion tomorrow! :) 1 more week to end of course, hate the feeling of when you're settling down, you have to move on. damnit. 1 more week to the party and im still pretty slacking away. tsk. Can't believe im playing Cafe World. Went to Sushi Tei for dinner. Hmm. Food taste okay lah. :) Nights.

Sunday, November 08, 2009
Mahjong Table

Happy Birthday Guan Guan. :) Big hugs!

Yesterday was the first day of Mahjong. Very different type of show. Haven't film such shows for a very long time. It's like TCP 1. Alot of random stuff, guess it would be a pretty good show to catch for CNY next year. Haha. Yeah haen't tried a gambling genre before. So pretty interesting. Yeah we had Wei Long, Adria, Sze Kee, Chrisopher, Roy, Adele and Eunice yesterday to kick start the day. Hmm. Only show that used 4th to 6th Gen. Hope this formula can work. Yeah it was Desmond's first day on set yesterday too.

After that went dinner with Desmond, Adria, Kean and Wei Long. Went to cheap cheap because I was pretty broke. Haha. It's the best alternative when you're seeking something fulfilling and of course, cheap! Yeah after that about 10pm Brian came for awhile and we took a bus back before he left. Reached home about 11.45pm. Went to bathe, just as when I thought the day would end, Alouis jio-ed his bro to GLM!

tian ah. Surprisingly I felt hungry leh so yeah we went to eat GLM and ice lemon tea was the awesomeness. woohoo. yeah so as usual we went to slack at the playground till 4am before heading home to sleep. Muahaha. Thanks bro. :) Been noticing that filming's been moving to Saturday's nowadays. Sunday's are always off. Weird. Yes! Jaslyn's first day back on set next Saturday! :)

Saturday, November 07, 2009

sick. caught the flu bug. grr. Yes! The sponsored apparels are here! Thank you Des for today. Night was well spent with Yang.. Went to look for Kaile for awhile.. Then had dinner and then walked to Esplanade to chill. Awesome night. Tomorrow is Mahjong day 1. Pretty excited, the script is haha pretty funny. Haha. Okay goodnight. Rest rest.

Thursday, November 05, 2009
no law ah

When there is a verbal and written agreement, it is legally not right to change the terms and conditions. Should you do, you should inform the party way before hand and come up with a new set of terms, and not just applying what you feel you want. tsk. Pretty pissed. Now that Episode 6 is done, it can't be uploaded. Depending on Alouis tomorrow to get it up. Going to collect stuff with Des tomorrow. CO Dialogue went well today, pretty cool. Going to bed soon. Tired.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009
fucked up

I waited 3 hours for you. After 3 hours you told me something which I really hated to hear... Erm, its hate to see actually.. Why must you tell me upload FAIL after 3 hours you cheebye!! Okay I going to bed now. CO dialogue tomorrow. Pretty excited. Hope all goes well. Thursday tomorrow. This week is so packed and busy! Actually every week is packed lah. Hope to meet Yang this week lah, erm been pushing back our dinner dates the past few weekends. Okay. Goodnight.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Producing always takes about an hour. tsk. Anyway my sister just came back from Paris. Haha. Shall share some pictures with you all. Awesome trip for her lah but dunno why she buy me weird stuffs like wine glass?! Haha. But thanks thanks. Birthday parties are so mafan.. But thankfully enough the army buddies won't make me drunk.. thats important.. Ken's flying tomorrow. take care yeap. 2 more + weeks to end of course? Hmm. It's been a pretty interesting course so far. But the thought of stay in really makes me feel zzz. Let's just hope time will past fast. I wanna fly Jet Star soon. Haha. :)

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Yesterday we went to Punggol to film. Punggol changed quite alot since the last time we went there to film in 2007. Pretty sad that all the lalang fields are gone.. But thankfully enough the other patch of field is still intact. hah.. Yeah. I thought that it was done rather well.. Pretty different type of scene done in a forest. Pretty excited to see Jaslyn completing the remaining scene. Thank god the rain started only when we we left Punggol.

After that went to Dhoby Ghaut with Jun and Alouis we had cheap cheap for dinner. Hah. Eh they got new type of ice-cream now okay. Haha! We then went to play arcade. Yes, it was Jun's farewell dinner before his month long trip to Australia. I'm pretty sad that he and kenneth cannot join the birthday celebrations this year. But it's alright since its for the nation haha.

Jun, take care in Australia, kill the kangaroos. Ken, take care in India, eat more curry. Happy Birthday in advance to Kenneth! Happy 22nd Birthday! May you be able to save more money for 2010 and may you get Best Actor next year. Heh. I guess i'll definitely miss you lah.

Okay, today is an off day, no filming. Oh yeah, Happy Birthday Jay!! :D