Tuesday, March 29, 2011
4 more days!

Omgosh Awards Ceremony is coming in 4 days time! Wheeeee! I'm so excited! And i'm so happy cos I managed to clear all my 10 tickets! And many are to friends whom I havent met for a long time, and to 1 friend, whom I haven't met her for the past 3 years! Woohoo! Teehee! :D

Sunday, March 20, 2011
TCP Awards Ceremony

The performers/groups for this year's Awards Ceremony are all outsourced groups... For this, I had to dig, scratch, find, source through contacts and contacts, re-watch YouTube many many times and playing the relations. Before the Awards start in less than 2 weeks, I would like to thank all the groups, Jon and Partner (RP), OneFiftyNine(NUS), Esprimere(SIM), WonderShidae, StarreSeconds, the O/2/3 ICs, Alan, Wei Siong, Shi Qi for attending rehearsals weekly, Tham for taking good care of the productions so I can head out to do other projects and lastly god for bringing these wonderful people to me.

After 4 plus years of TCP finally I feel like i'm not alone. Thank you Desmond, Wei Siong, Tham and Yong Ming for sharing the tons of shit we get internally and externally. You know I love you bros. TEEHEE!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

当冬夜渐暖 当大海也不再那麼蓝

当冬夜渐暖 当夏夜的树上不再有蝉
那只是因为悲伤从来 都不会有答案

I feel so so busy not only with TCP but projects outside TCP. I know Wei Siong's been really trying hard to help me sub a lot of projects, but I still feel the both of us are gonna burst anytime soon. Awards Ceremony practice started last week. This week is the second week. Looks like everything is alright for now. According to schedule.

My work and stress cannot be compared to the people suffering in Japan now. If I could, I would do all I can for them. May god bless the people of Japan. We're all with you.

Sunday, March 06, 2011
When the gambling prince meets the mafia princess!

When the Gambling Prince meets the Mafia Princess has higher ratings than compared to X-Squad. It should be good news because it means our viewers choose genre's to watch. We originally thought viewership was on the decline... Do spread it around. Link it, catch it, Like it! :D

Tuesday, March 01, 2011
1 down. 4 more to go.

1 more down. Left with Best Supporting Actor/Actress, Best Actor and Actress. 辛苦大家了!